Encouraging the Love for Charity and Humanity in Your Kids – Where to Begin?

The world is in a state of turmoil. The hatred, intolerance and violence that have us all in their grip need not affect the future generations. This makes it extremely important that we raise our kids to be kind, considerate and generous individuals who understand and appreciate their own worth.

Kids need to know that they can grow up to make a difference, simply by being kind to others. Teaching these values to children doesn’t always involve lectures. Instead, show them how kindness works by making it a part of day-to-day life.

Best Practices for Raising Kind Children

Howard Fensterman isn’t just an accomplished NY lawyer, but also a proud family man who has tried his best to instill a love for humanity and charity in his children. Here’s what he suggests:

Show Them Kindness Every day

Take them along when you perform an act of kindness. Make this a weekly thing where together with the kids, you go to the local hospital to volunteer and cheer up the patients, or just pay for the next person’s coffee at your local cafe. Encourage your kids to give away a toy every month.

Encourage Sharing

Sharing is an awesome way to be kind to others. Your kids should learn that sharing their toys and other items is a fun way of making new friends and plain feels good.

Teach Them to Be Thankful

Thankfulness is one value rapidly vanishing from our homes. Teaching your kids to be grateful for the smallest things makes them understand that even if it’s not a lot, the person gave all they could afford to give at the time. They need to learn that saying thank you to people who do nice things is an important part of being kind.

Don’t Stop Them from Giving A Helping Hand

Kids are often excited about helping their parents around the home. However, they are never encouraged because of the torrential messes and potential clean ups that might be required. Don’t be afraid. Let them help out by loading up the dishwasher or putting clothes in the washing machine. Let them know that it’s okay to lend a helping hand.

Take the time to understand the unique personalities and learning needs of your children, then give them the opportunity to learn more about life, as well as the small things that truly makes it worth living.

Finally, visit Howard Fensterman Charities to learn more about some of the leading charities that are actually making a difference in this world.


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