Cycling vs. Swimming – Which One is Better?

A swimmer swimming in a river which appears as a road
Image by Pixaby

Today, for many of us, our lives are so preoccupied with work that our health and fitness are nowhere on the priority list and we end up consuming a lot more processed and fatty foods. If we cannot dedicate a single hour to our health every day, then diseases and poor health can be the consequence. 

Did you know:

    • An hour of a cardio workout can reduce the risk of a heart attack by 28%. 
    • 30 minutes of cycling can reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes by 40% 

But many people think of a cardio workout as a high-intensity exercise where the heartbeat gets out of control and the person is drenched with sweat. While this is true to some extent, a cardio workout does not always have to be high intensity. Instead, there is some medium to low-intensity cardio workouts that are excellent for your entire body. And they are none other than cycling and swimming.

Man Riding Bicycle
Photo by Pexels

Now if you are asked to compare the two exercises, you can think of it statistically. Regular cycling reduces the chance of early death by 10% but those who swim regularly have a 28% decreased risk of a heart attack. While numbers are a good way to judge, they are often not the best choice. And the answer to which cardio exercise is the best depends on a number of other factors. So let’s look into the details. 


For swimming, it should be a pool, but even a lake or a beach can suffice. In the case of cycling, all you need is a bicycle and you are good to go. You can ride it to the park, to run errands or even to ride to work. Or you can take a leisure ride before the end of your day. Unlike swimming, where you need a specific resource, you can ride a bicycle literally anywhere. 


Swimming is generally considered an expensive activity. Primarily because maintaining a pool is expensive. Also, you need accessories such as goggles, fins and kickboards. Good quality swimming accessories are also expensive. But if you compare it with cycling, all you need is a bicycle and a helmet. To be extra cautious, you may want to invest in elbow and knee pads, but unlike swimming, this is not a requirement. 

That said, the cost of a bicycle is much more than all of the accessories required for swimming. But again, if you look at the annual membership costs for a pool, cycling is indeed a more cost-effective option. 

Calories and Burning Fat

Photo by Pexels

The best aspect of any exercise is calories and fat burning. People usually classify exercises based on how many calories they can burn. So let’s look at the numbers. An average person uses almost 300 calories while riding a bicycle for 30 minutes, but the same person while swimming freestyle burns 255 calories. So numerically cycling wins. But here is another aspect. During swimming, since the body is submerged in water, you don’t feel your full body weight. This makes swimming easier and people often end up swimming more without getting tired. This also makes it an ideal workout for people with arthritis or other bone diseases such as osteoporosis. 

Also, since the body weight is supported by water, swimming makes an excellent workout for people with cardiovascular diseases. In the water, even though you are exercising, it has a relaxing effect on the heart. In some cases, it has been observed that the heartbeat goes down to as low as 55 beats per minute and still maintains proper blood supply in the body. Hence swimming is an excellent exercise for people with cardiovascular diseases. On the other hand, cycling is a typical cardio exercise that increases heart rate. So if you are a cardiovascular patient, swimming is completely safe but if you want to ride a bicycle, make sure you discuss it with your healthcare provider. 

Another important aspect of swimming is that it involves the use of all muscles of the body. People who swim regularly, notice a significant change in their body shape even if they don’t lose weight. 

Risk of Injuries

As you swim, the arms and legs are in continuous motion. This can increase pressure on the shoulders and the collar bone. Over longer periods, these two bones can get hurt and start to roughen up resulting in inflammation and pain. But at the same time, swimming involves all the parts of the body, not as much with cycling. Physically you feel fit and new blood vessels and energy-producing structures called mitochondria grow at a much faster rate than other exercises.

However, when it comes to cycling, there is always a greater risk of injuries. In case of a crash or fall, there is a higher risk of damage to vital joints such as the knee and hip joint. But on a positive note, these severe injuries are not so common during everyday life; however, they are more frequent in professional cycling. In case, you have visual or motor coordination problems, it is ideal to discuss them with your healthcare provider before you start cycling. 


Whether it is cycling or swimming, both come with their own benefits and costs. According to research, more people pursue cycling into their routine compared to swimming. The reason for that is convenience. Cycling is easy to incorporate into a daily routine as it is also a mode of transportation but swimming is something special you need to take out time for.

But then again, the choice depends only on personal preference. While cycling can help you maintain health and fitness, there is technically no exercise that has an exceptionally mild impact on the body associated with all the health benefits of a cardio workout.

Coronavirus Crisis and its Psychological Effects on the Population

Current Results of the Coronavirus 

Having fun staying at home? You are not alone. Get ready to meet your seven billion neighbors who are struggling with the same predicament across the globe. COVID-19 has spread like wildfire affecting hundreds of millions of people and resulting in the deaths of thousands. 

Woman wearing mask in a grocery store.
Woman wearing mask in a grocery store. The new normal of life in our country and the world. Photo by Pexels

Welcome to the new normal, where we quarantine in our homes, go out only when it’s essential, wear gloves and masks, binge Netflix and talk to doctors through telehealth.

This is no doubt affecting our behavior and lifestyle, but what is it doing to us psychologically? And what will the future hold? Will handshakes be taboo? What about going to bars and restaurants? How long do we expect governments to enforce this lockdown? Just these few questions can cause anxiety, but the more pertinent issues that can really bring up our stress levels are catching the infections and the subsequent fear of dying.

As the disease continues to affect our everyday lifestyles, governments, businesses, and individuals have been forced to take some drastic measures to prevent the spread of this disease. Countries around the world have shut down schools, canceled events, and closed factories, leaving most cities void of human activity. 

Telecommunication has become part of this behavior. Businesses, schools, medical facilities, and even religious institutions are all participating in this effort to keep us safe, but how is it affecting our psyche, if at all?

Worshiper participating in Pope Francis' eulogy using telecommuting
Worshiper participating in Pope Francis’ eulogy via telecommuting
“Church in the time of Coronavirus” by 
Catholic Church (England and Wales), licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 

While millions are now working from home, others have lost their jobs and there are many who have been forced to stay at home while they put their professional commitments on hold until the situation improves. Such are the people who are sustaining through the tough times by withdrawing from their savings, even from their retirement funds.  

So as we continue to experience this new behavior, let’s not forget that preventive measures to control the spread of the virus will definitely help in mitigating this disease. But these measures come at a cost and part of the cost is psychological. No one exactly knows how future events will turn but for now, as people practice social distancing and avoid human interaction, the measures will continue to have a huge psychological impact. 

Silouttes shown social distancing

Psychological Effects of Preventive Measures 

As more and more people are self-quarantined, they have curtailed their in-person interactions. Let’s take a look at how these measures are affecting different segments of the population. 


In some parts of the world, schools have closed down for as long as three months. Colleges have moved to telecommuting, leaving some students nervous about how to take examinations.

A symbolic illustration of social distancing among children
A symbolic illustration of social distancing among children
Photo by Pexels

While at home, children are forced to stay indoors, away from their friends, and told to avoid touching their faces and to keep washing hands. They hear their parents discussing the news about deaths and the number of infected people. Loved ones getting infected, parents worrying about food and their financial issues, and how the situation is affecting their professional lives can all take a toll on the emotional well-being of children.  

It is difficult for them to see a loved one infected which can be a cause of distress. Also, it is not easy for kids to see their parents struggling through a difficult situation. With schools and parks closed (although some are beginning to open up), being at home and unable to go outside is another stressor, all yielding to psychological implications. 

Parents must be aware of how this crisis affects their children and they can take preventative actions. Here are a few of what parents can do to help their kids maintain a normal life during this pandemic:

    • Keep them busy
      • School them at home. This can be done by creating a scheduled curriculum or by contacting the school to see if the school has a curriculum already prepared for their grade level.
      • Find out if the school provides tele-education, which is a growing technology during this time.
    • Set up a Zoom (or another teleconference app) that will connect them with their friends and your family. 
    • Play games with them or encourage them to play games amongst themselves. Preferably, games that induce educational objectives.
    • Do you have a backyard or does your apartment building have an inner courtyard? Go out with them and get some sun while you’re doing it. Besides seeing a different location outside of the four walls of your home, they (and you) can get some good vitamin D – an important nutrient and one that helps you fight the virus should you go to a hospital.

It is important that parents stay strong. This and the items mentioned above are an excellent way to help maintain normality during these trying times.

Professionals in the Workplace

Woman working on a laptop by a window
Photo by Edward Jenner from Pexels

This (COVID-19) changes everything. A new paradigm has approached as close contact is now being discouraged, causing small businesses to close and resulting in more and more people working from home; that is, if they still have a job.

The lack of human interaction, the fear of getting infected, and being locked at home can take a toll on anyone’s mental health. This, along with the deadlines of work and the constant fear of losing the job adds to another major source of stress. 

Many factories and organizations have been closed now, laying off hundreds and thousands of people. This means that there is a significant increase in unemployment. In the US alone, the number of individuals seeking unemployment benefits has reached 30 million people. The numbers are much higher in other parts of the world. As governments are trying to contain the virus, this increasing loss of jobs is posing an additional challenge. 

Unemployment comes with its own set of psychological implications. The loss of jobs and financial concerns along with the fear and anxiety of the pandemic can take a toll on our mental health.

But there is a third group of workers who have put all their professional commitments on hold due to the pandemic. These are the people who are waiting for the situation to return to normal before they can go back to work. People associated with export businesses, airline industries, airport staff are some of the people whose professional life is on hold. While such people are at home and not working, the uncertainty and fear of loss of jobs or business value are huge. 

The Elderly 

Dementia Patient

Apart from children, another group that is affected is the elderly. According to statistics, the highest mortality rate due to COVID-19 is among people aged 60 and above. People aged 80 and above have a mortality rate as high as 14.8%. Also, people who have pre-existing medical conditions such as diabetes, asthma, hypertension, lung and cardiovascular diseases are more at risk of getting infected. All this is scary for anyone who is 65 or older.

Many seniors live on their own. The psychological implications of being away from their loved ones while being at risk of a disease that is fatal in certain conditions can be huge. This constant fear of getting infected further adds to the mental cost of the already struggling elderly. 

Moving Forward 

Social Distancing. Is this the new normal?
Photo by Kate Trifo from Pexels

The COVID-19 virus has been a stress test for people and governments across the globe. The condition has affected every single person who lives on this planet regardless of age, race, or social stature. As we experience the pandemic, we can only hope that the crisis subsides before it takes a toll on the emotional and mental health of the people.

While there are some unavoidable costs of this crisis, on a positive note, the entire world has come together to support each other in these tough times. With changing weather and trials of preventive vaccines, there is hope for a COVID-19 free world. It is possible and the world is working on a cure. What we need to do now is maintain a positive attitude and stay optimistic throughout this pandemic.

What Causes Dry Mouth and How to Deal With It?

Human Teeth
Teeth and the oral cavity (

Every wake up and find your mouth totally dry? Well, if so, it is something that should be corrected as it can lead to issues and not just in your mouth. Let’s explore why.

Saliva, the lubricant produced in the mouth, is like a health tonic for our teeth and gums. It is estimated that our mouth produces around 48 – 60 ounces of saliva every day. Here is why this lubricating liquid is absolutely essential. 

  • It prevents infection in the oral cavity by controlling the growth of microorganisms in the mouth. 
  • Saliva facilitates the transportation of food from the oral cavity to the digestive tract. 
  • It possesses antibacterial properties that protect teeth from cavities. 
  • It is also rich in calcium and phosphorus which ensures healthy teeth. 
  • Saliva also prevents infection by controlling bacteria and fungi in the mouth. 
  • Acts as a lubricant that prevents food particles from sticking to teeth and gums. 
  • Neutralizes the acid from the stomach and helps keep gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) in control. GERD is one of the leading causes of heartburn.  

In all, we need saliva to keep our oral cavity clean and healthy. But there are instances when the saliva production in the mouth decreases resulting in dry mouth. The implications may range from simple discomfort to something which can have a significant impact on your oral and digestive health. Also, it can greatly affect your appetite and a general liking for food. Medically, this condition is known as xerostomia

There are numerous reasons which can lead to dry mouth and fortunately, many treatments can help against this condition. Below you will find out about the potential causes of this condition and several tips for managing it. 

What Causes Dry Mouth?

Picture of dry toung
Xerostomia (CC wikimedia)

The condition occurs when the salivary glands present in the mouth do not produce sufficient saliva to keep the mouth clean. Some of the reasons which can affect the functioning of salivary glands include: 


Dry mouth is a side effect of several medications and over-the-counter drugs. Medicines used to treat depression, anxiety, and high blood pressure are one of the potential sources. Also, medicines used to treat congestions, muscle spasm and general pain can lead to reduced production of saliva. 


As people age, it is common for them to experience this dryness. The condition is more common in women compared to men. Inadequate nutrition, poor oral health, use of medications and changes in the ability of the body to process medications all lead to dry mouth.    

Cancer Treatment 

Drugs used to treat cancer can have a significant impact on the production of saliva. Chemotherapy and radiation used to treat cancer can temporarily or permanently damage the production of saliva in the mouth. The implications of cancer treatment on saliva production depend upon the affected area and dose of medicine. 

Health Conditions 

Dry mouth can be a result of various health conditions such as diabetes, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease. Infections such as thrush in the mouth can also decrease the production of saliva. Autoimmune disorders such as Sjorgen’s syndrome are also considered to be one of the causes of dry mouth. Problems associated with the nasal cavity such as breathing with the mouth open, sinusitis and snoring can contribute towards this condition as well. An injury or damage to the nerves in the head and neck region can also result in a temporary or permanent reduction in saliva production. 

Use of Alcohol, Tobacco and Recreational Drugs 

In the long run, use of alcohol and tobacco can reduce the production of saliva in the oral cavity. Recreational drugs such as methamphetamine or marijuana can lead to severe dryness. It also damages the teeth and gums. 

Effective Tips for Treating Dry Mouth 

On a positive note, this condition can be treated. However, the treatment depends upon the cause of the condition and its severity. Below, you will find 10 tips that are effective against dealing with dry mouth regardless of the cause. 

Chewing Gum 

Chewing stimulates the production of saliva; however, it is only effective if the salivary glands are still working even to some extent. In case the salivary glands are permanently damaged, chewing gum won’t help. Here it is important to use sugar-free gum only. Sugar-free gum protects the oral cavity against cavities. This is even more important in the case of dry mouth because it is more prone to developing cavities. 

Add Fiber 

Fibrous foods including apples, carrots and celery help promote your oral health. They help fight off the harmful bacteria which helps enhance saliva production. 

Keep a Check on Alcohol and Caffeine 

As mentioned earlier, excessive use of caffeine and alcohol can lead to a shortage of saliva so it is important to keep a check on the intake of both. 

Increase Water Intake 

Though water is not a substitute for saliva, increasing water intake helps ease the symptoms. Here you should remember that most bottled water does not contain fluoride. This means that for a sufficient amount of fluoride, you will still have to rely on fluoride toothpaste or mouthwash. 

Rely on Natural Moisturiser 

Most cases of severe dryness can benefit from the use of natural products such as carboxymethyl cellulose gels and ointments. Others have found a mixture of water and glycerin very effective. 

Use a Humidifier 

Use of a room humidifier will keep your nasal and respiratory passages moist. As a result, even if you breathe with your mouth open, your internal membranes will remain moist and you are less likely to experience dry mouth. 

Avoid Medicines Which Lead to Dry Mouth 

It is important to discuss the side effects of all the drugs with your primary healthcare provider. In case you have prescribed a medicine that leads to dry mouth, you can always ask your healthcare provider to prescribe an alternate one.  

Use of Floss and Mouthwash 

Flossing and use of mouthwash are critical for maintaining oral health. But in case of dry mouth, you should beware of the type of mouthwash you need to use. Alcohol-based mouthwashes such as Listerine can actually kill the healthy bacteria in the mouth and result in more dryness. So non-alcoholic mouthwashes are a better choice if you already have a dry mouth. 

Go for Prescribed Medicines to Stimulate Saliva Production 

In case of more severe cases, you can always go for prescribed treatment to increase saliva production. However, it is essential that you seek advice from your healthcare provider before you start any treatment to stimulate the production of saliva in the mouth. 

Take Special Care of Your Oral Health 

In some cases, there is no effective way to treat dry mouth. In that case, protecting your oral cavity becomes a priority. Regularly see your dentist to identify and treat any cavities or other issues with your teeth and gum. Since the natural lubricant is not present, you might also need regular cleaning.

Over 50? – A Health Guide for Aging Men

Two cyclists riding a bicycle

Based on numerous studies, females are naturally healthier than men. This claim is based on the fact that out of 15 leading causes of death, men are ahead of women in all causes except for one, Alzheimer’s disease. And the only reason is simply that many men do not live long enough to develop this condition. Additionally, during this coronavirus outbreak, staying as healthy as you can is imperative, especially for men over 50! 

On average, men die at least five years earlier than their wives. While there are biological reasons for health issues with men, there is also a discrepancy in how men approach their own health. If you look at the numbers, compared to women, men visit doctors less frequently. When it comes to health, this is often the last priority for them. So if you are a man over 50 and want to work on changing priorities, this post is for you. 

Below you will find the four most common health problems among senior males and how you can deal with them and live a longer, healthier and a happier life. 

Five Major Health Risks for Men Over 50

Cardiovascular Diseases 

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men around the world. According to numbers, one in every five men die due to cardiovascular diseases and the average age of death due to heart diseases is 65. 

Cardiovascular diseases can range from chest pain (angina) to high cholesterol and atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries). Cholesterol is the build-up of plaque inside the arteries which narrows the arteries and in turn affects the blood supply. If the plaque becomes unstable, it forms a clot which can result in a heart attack or stroke. 

Men are more prone to heart diseases because naturally, their bodies produce more bad cholesterol which contributes towards the blockage of arteries. 

How to Deal with it?

So while cardiovascular diseases continue to be one of the leading causes of death among men, on a positive note, you can work towards reducing your chances of developing this disease. How? Let’s find out. 

  • If you have a family history of cardiovascular diseases, make sure you work closely with your primary healthcare provider. Ask for screenings and tests which can help you find out the state of your heart health. Early detection can reduce the risk of a heart attack. 
  • If you are a smoker, consider quitting this habit. Smoking multiples the risk of cardiovascular diseases and increases the likelihood of an earlier death. 
  • Make sure you maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Adding a physical activity of at least 30 minutes every day can significantly reduce your risk of cardiovascular diseases. 

Lung Cancer 

Men over 50, especially if they smoke, are at a much higher risk of developing lung cancer. Very often, the disease is diagnosed when it has already spread fully to the organ or to other parts of the body. And within a year of the diagnosis, less than half of the men are alive. So lung cancer is aggressive and is almost fatal. 

Smoking remains the single largest cause of lung cancer in the US and around the world. According to the numbers, in the year 2018, around 121,700 new cases of lung cancer were diagnosed among men in the US. During the same year, more than 83,000 men died due to the disease. In the same year, 2.1 million new cases of lung cancer were recorded around the world resulting in 1.76 million deaths in the same year. But there is definitely something all men can do to reduce the risk of this deadly disease. 

How to Deal with it?

  • Quit Smoking – This is the single, most effective solution which can reduce the risk of lung cancer at any age. If you are not sure how to go about it, you can always work with a medical professional. Doctors and therapists can suggest tools and ways through which you can overcome this habit of smoking.  

Prostate Cancer 

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths among men; lung cancer being the first. The small gland located behind the penis secretes fluids which play a significant role in ejaculation. Though it is a common type of cancer among men, it is often not life-threatening. While as many as one in six men are likely to get diagnosed with prostate cancer sometime over the course of life, only 1 in 41 die from the disease. The average age of diagnosis of prostate cancer is 66 years and the disease is uncommon in men under the age of 40.

Reducing the Risk of Prostate Cancer 

Screening and early detection of cancer is recommended and choosing a healthy diet is one the most effective methods of reducing your risk of this disease. 

  • Choose a low fat diet and limit your intake of fatty food each day. Avoid deep fried foods and food such as nuts, meat, and cheese. Instead opt for leaner cuts of meat and go for low fat options of dairy products. 
  • Increase the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. Both fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins. A high consumption of fruits and vegetables leave little room for fatty foods. 

Erectile Dysfunction 

The condition is not a life-threatening one but is still one of the most common conditions affecting senior men. As many as 40% of the males over the age of 40 experience ED. The condition leads to a reduced quality of life, less enjoyment and increases the likelihood of depression

What to do About it?

Medically, there is no cure of this condition. However,  you can do a lot to improve erectile dysfunction naturally.

  • Exercise and eating right are the two important prerequisites when dealing with any medical condition and erectile dysfunction is not an exception. 
  • Take good care of your blood vessels. Erectile dysfunction is often caused by atherosclerosis, the condition which leads to cardiovascular diseases. By taking care of your blood vessels, you can reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. 
  • Reduce weight. Maintain a close to ideal weight to minimize the risk of ED.. 
  • Work on strengthening your pelvic muscles by doing specific exercises. 

A healthy life is possible even after 50. Just remember, age is just a number.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) What You Need to Know


Intestines, Bowel, Guts, Intestinal, Gastrointestinal

Facts – About IBS 

      • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common disorders affecting between 25 and 45 million people in the United States. 
      • Globally, IBS affects 10-15% of the total population. 
      • The condition is more common among women. Almost two out of every three affected with the condition are females. 
      • IBS affects people of all ages including children and the elderly but is most common under the age of 50.
      • IBA accounts for up to 12% of the visits to the hospitals. 
      • 2.5-3.5 million people visit the doctor’s office annually due to IBS symptoms in the US only. 
      • Around 30-40% of visits to gastroenterologists are due to the symptoms of IBS. 
      • Unfortunately, many people do not recognize the symptoms of IBS.
      • Many people with the symptoms of IBS do not need medical care. 
      • Contrary to popular opinion, IBS is not Chrons Disease. Although the symptoms are similar, the reason for their initial existence is different.

What is IBS?

Crohn's Disease

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a medical condition characterized by a group of gastrointestinal conditions. The symptoms can include abdominal cramps, pain, discomfort, and bloating. It is also characterized by abnormal bowel movement which alters between diarrhea or/and constipation. 

Technically, IBS is considered a “functional” disorder because it affects the normal functioning of the digestive system. The core problem lies with the movement of the organs involved in digestion instead of damage to the tissues or internal lining of the digestive tract organs. 

Signs and Symptoms of IBS 

As mentioned earlier, IBS is a cluster of symptoms that are typically associated with abdominal discomfort. Other common signs and symptoms of IBS include:  

      • Diarrhea: In some cases, people have IBS with diarrhea (IBS-D). This means that they often have a sudden urge to have loose stools even when they do not have indigestion.
      • Constipation: Not all cases of IBS have diarrhea. Instead, there are some cases where IBS is accompanied by constipation. Such patients experience strained bowel movements and inconsistent stools. 
      • Bloating and gas
      • Abdominal cramps and swelling in the lower abdomen. 
      • Pain and discomfort associated with certain foods
      • Nausea and occasional vomiting. 
      • Loss of appetite
      • Weight loss 
      • Stools with inconsistent texture. 

Though indigestion is not a symptom of IBS, almost 70% of people with this condition also experience indigestion. Since the condition is more common among women, most of the symptoms intensify during the menstrual periods. 

Types of IBS 

According to the symptoms, IBS can be classified into four categories or types. 

IBS with Diarrhea

This specific type of IBS specifically affects the large intestine. As a result, patients of this condition experience frequent loose stools which is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In some cases, people may also lose control over bowel movements. In such severe cases, treatment is essential to manage the symptoms of IBS. 

IBS with Constipation

This type of IBS usually affects young adults and adolescents. Stools are often very hard and the frequency is inconsistent. People with this type of IBS also commonly experience constipation. 

IBS with Constipation and Diarrhea 

Some people have mixed IBS which means that they have alternating patterns of diarrhea and constipation. 

Unsubtyped IBS 

Other symptoms of IBS which do not fit into the above three categories fall under this type known as unsubtyped IBS. 

What Causes IBS?

As of now the exact cause of IBS is still not known. Medical practitioners around the world agree that a number of factors contribute to this condition. Some of the factors include:

      • Altered pattern of movement of gastrointestinal organs
      • Abnormal signals to and from the brain
      • Changes insensitivity to pain and 
      • Food intolerance 

Some of the risk factors which increase the likelihood of developing IBS may include the following: 

      • Infections in the gastrointestinal tract including stomach, large and small intestines
      • Hormonal imbalance 
      • Certain psychological conditions such as anxiety and depression
      • In some cases, genetics may also contribute towards IBS Managing IBS 

IBS cannot be treated however, the symptoms can be managed by avoiding triggers and adopting a few lifestyle changes. 

IBS Triggers

Certain types of foods as well as stress and anxiety can trigger or intensify symptoms of IBS in some people. 


Red Peppers
Photo by 王小明 on Unsplash

Some of the common food ingredients which are often considered as IBS triggers include:  

        • Red peppers
        • Red wine 
        • Green Onion 
        • Wheat 
        • Cow Milk 

A better idea is to substitute these ingredients with other food items such as spinach, tofu, salmon, and broccoli, which are more stomach-friendly. 


According to research, stress and IBS are closely related. Stress increases the sensitivity of the colon and increases the movement of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, stress increases the risk of IBS because this condition is a result of a complex interaction between the brain and the stomach, and other organs of the digestive system. 

Lifestyle Changes to Improve the Symptoms of IBS 

Apart from avoiding triggers, bringing in a few lifestyle changes play an important role in improving the symptoms of IBS. Some of the tips to improve the symptoms of IBS include the following:

      • Reduce the intake of caffeine. 
      • Add more fibrous foods to your diet. 
      • Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water every day. 
      • Avoid the use of alcohol and tobacco. 
      • Reduce the intake of dairy products including cheese and milk. 
      • Eat smaller, more frequent meals instead of three large meals a day. 

In most cases, IBS can be managed by avoiding triggers and bringing about a few lifestyle changes. But many people may also require medical treatment. If you are one of those, make sure that you follow the instructions of your medical caregiver carefully. 

Can Bananas Help Weight Loss?

Ripe bananas against a yellow background

People have conflicting views on the weight-loss friendliness of bananas. Some say they aid weight loss, while some believe that they help weight gain. The constant bickering between the pro and anti-banana camps leave a layperson befuddled. Bananas are an excellent snack choice because they are filling and have a sweet taste that can feel like a delightful respite on a sugar-free diet. And even without a low-calorie diet, bananas can be a great snack option or a supplementary food item.

But when people get caught up in the calories of bananas, they lose sight of the many benefits of the fiber-rich food. And consequently, avoid eating bananas. However, a person shouldn’t cut bananas out of their diet entirely for fear of weight gain because they offer a bunch of nutrients that keep the body healthy.

Before passing a verdict on bananas’ ability to assist or inhibit weight loss, let’s consider the arguments of both the camps.

 The Pro-Banana Camp

The pro-banana camp supports eating bananas on a daily basis because they think it’s more good than bad. That is, even though bananas have calories, the excessive nutrients that a banana has to offer counter those calories. It’s packed with fiber that keeps a person fuller for longer during, hence reduces frequent food intake. And as a result, the overall calorie intake remains in control.

Some radical members of the camp may even believe that since bananas are rich in vitamins and minerals, the calories in the fruit are not harmful. There is no scientific study to support that argument, but some people continue to use the high nutrient count of bananas as an excuse to binge eat them.

One segment of the pro-banana camp, who are health-conscious, believe that on a strict diet, having a banana is an excellent way of satisfying sugar cravings with the added benefit of getting other nutrients as well.

Underripe bananas have high quantities of resistant starch, which doesn’t digest in the gut. And as a result, it floats in the blood and acts like soluble fiber, which helps in weight loss and reduces blood sugar. But that happens if you consume bananas that are a bit green. A person doesn’t have to eat an utterly unripe banana; just a bit of under-ripe banana can do the trick. However, more research is required to make a definitive claim to support resistant starch theory.

Bananas have a low to medium glycemic index, which is the ability of a food item to raise the blood sugar level. Not all bananas have a low glycemic index, but most of them do, depending on their ripeness. Slightly under-ripe bananas have a lower glycemic index than overripe bananas. Nonetheless, bananas don’t spike the sugar level in blood tremendously. So that’s also one reason why people like to eat bananas.

Bananas release their sugar slowly. That is, the body gets sugars from bananas at a linear pace; therefore, a person doesn’t feel an instant surge in the blood sugar levels after consuming a banana. High GI food items are linked with weight gain and diabetes. But since bananas have low to medium GI levels, they are considered to be weight loss friendly. No conclusive research is available to attest to these claims. More study on this aspect of bananas is required.

Now that we have gone over all the possible arguments played by the pro-banana camp let’s move on to the anti-banana camp now.

The Anti-Banana Camp

People in this camp are staunch believers in the fattening properties of bananas. They avoid bananas for fear of weight gain due to the high-calorie count in bananas. To better understand the calorie count of a banana, let’s take a look at the nutrient label of a medium-sized banana.

Calories 150
Potassium: 12% of the RDI
Vitamin B6: 20% of the RDI
Vitamin C: 17% of the RDI
Magnesium: 8% of the RDI
Copper: 5% of the RDI
Manganese: 15% of the RDI
Fiber: 3.1 grams

Most members of the anti-banana community steer clear of them in favor of other fruits that offer the same amount of nutrients without stacking up on calories such as apples. A cup of apple slices has about 60 calories, while a cup of banana slices has around 135 calories.

Furthermore, the source of calories in a banana is carbohydrates. Bananas aren’t high on fats, but it does have a high carb count. Most of the carbs in a banana are glucose, fructose, and sucrose, which are also sugar components. Sugar turns into body fat more quickly than other calorie sources.

However, things can be different in starch resistant food items as they release their sugar gradually in the body. So if a person works out and burns their calories, they don’t have to worry about the sugar in bananas turning into body fat.

Bananas have a bad rap in terms of their calorie content. People defame bananas based on their high-calorie content without considering the high fiber content of bananas, which can aid in weight loss.

What’s the Final Verdict?

Bananas are indeed high in calories, but they offer other healthy compounds and micronutrients. A person shouldn’t dismiss the nutritional benefits of bananas in fear of gaining weight due to the calories it has. If eaten wisely, a banana can add a lot of nourishment to a person’s diet.

With that said, bananas are not free food. Even though they are charged with nutrients, their calories are a reality. You cannot binge-eat bananas and expect to lose weight. But that’s true for most food items. As long as you take them in moderation, they can help you with your body/fitness goals.

Deciding on whether to include bananas in your diet depends on your goals and personal choice (do you like the taste of bananas?). If you want to lose weight, having a banana can sustain you for longer durations. So you can create a calorie deficit by not eating anything else after consuming a banana. But if you like to eat something at short intervals when dieting, then you might want to avoid eating bananas often.

Don’t completely rid your diet of bananas and don’t also include too many of them in your diet. Consume them in moderation, and you will be fine.

How to Deal with Coronavirus Anxiety

A guy holding a coronavirus placard

The Coronavirus pandemic is an event so extraordinary that every country in the world is battling it. It’s a global impact so unprecedented that nothing can compare to it since WWII and medically, since the Spanish Flu of 1918.  

This alone is enough to give anyone anxiety as people are dying at an accelerated rate and no one knows when it will end. In these testing times, anxiety and depression are at an all-time high.

With more than 2,000,000 dead and infections exceeding 117,000,000, everyone is trying to find a way to hold on to their sanity. While the future seems uncertain and nobody knows if they will contract the virus, the only thing a person can do is play their part in stopping the spread and keeping their stress level in check.

It may seem easier said than done because COVID-19 is not like anything the world has seen before. This virus is unrelenting and infecting hundreds of people in a fraction of time. Things seem out of control and like the uncertainty when the stock market crashes, it creates anxiety.

In view of this, people must try to control their fear levels so that they are better equipped to deal with this aggressive disease. Staying mentally and emotionally stable and strong in the face of adversity softens the blow, at least to some extent.

How to Cope

Start with our article on suggestions for dealing with anxiety as well as part II Tackling Stress and Depression which are very informative. Then take a look at our specific recommendations for dealing with stress levels associated with COVID-19 below.

Limit Media ExposureGraphic of media sources

Yes, it’s real, the world is going through a global crisis that’s causing mass casualties. But continuously reading or listening about the destruction caused by this disease is not going to help anyone. You should try to limit your media exposure to save your mental health. It’s wise to stay informed, but getting obsessed with the news and consuming every piece of information can snowball your stress.

Checking your phone for updates every other minute or turning on the TV to watch the news every hour will not let you sit in peace. Your mind will remain occupied with nothing consuming you but COVID-19. You need to distract yourself by trying to get involved in some other show or activity other than the news.

Look at Reliable Sources

Limiting media exposure doesn’t mean you don’t follow the news. Everybody needs to stay informed, therefore when you do look up the daily status on the corona pandemic, trust only reliable sources. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet. Get your updates from credible sources such as the CDC (Centre for Disease Control), WHO (World Health Organization) or other dependable sources.

Don’t trust the unsubstantiated videos that are doing the rounds on social media. Don’t forward any questionable data to your followers without verifying the credibility of the source.

The constant barrage of clips, news packages, audios and articles is not letting people relax for a second. Don’t aid this flow of unreliable information and ask your friends to do the same. However, if you want to inform your loved ones about a particular update, then cite only reliable sources.

Do Your Job

The coronavirus is not yielding and our current defenses against the virus are not strong enough. The best that we can do at the moment is to play our part in stopping the spread. If you want to channel your energies productively, wash your hands frequently, maintain excellent hygiene and practice social distancing.  

Women running track 6 feet distance
Staying 6′ or more from one another is highly recommended

Follow the proper protocol laid out by health organizations. Stay indoors as much as possible, and wash your hands regularly. Disinfect your doorknobs and keys. If you are staying at home due to a lockdown in your city, make sure you stay home as much as possible as well.

Follow the 6′ distance rule or better, try to stay away from people altogether. As previously mentioned, it is the droplets that we need to be vigilant about more than where the virus might reside on a tangible object.


Illustration of people wearing masks for the United Nations

Wear a mask if you have to go out for an urgent matter, such as getting groceries. Avoid physical contact with anyone because the coronavirus is asymptomatic (experience no symptoms). You might think that you are safe because you don’t have symptoms, but you cannot be sure. To be on the safer side, avoid shaking hands and hugging and kissing other people under all circumstances.

Most importantly – STAY HOME as much as possible!

Following these procedures will not only help keep you from acquiring the virus but will also give you peace of mind and subsequently more confidence that you will be alright.

Try to Have a Routine

With many cities under lockdown, people are forced to stay home. Staying home can disrupt your normal routine and a person can become aimless. In the time of a pandemic, when there is panic everywhere, it’s crucial to have a routine to avoid getting caught up in the fear. 

If you are not working currently, don’t take it as an excuse to roam around the house aimlessly or binge-watch the news. Get up early, exercise and get involved in household activities. Help your family members cook and clean. Read a book or watch a show that you enjoy. Don’t let lockdown turn you into a living room wanderer or a couch potato. Check out the section “Think Out of The Box!” in our article on Stress, Part I for more interesting ideas on how to keep yourself busy, as well as feeling rewarded that you are accomplishing things. 

Practice Relaxation and DeStressing

Woman doing yogaMeditate or download apps on your phone to help you relax. Take deep breaths as much as possible and think that everyone is in this crisis together, so you need to stay strong. Destressing is critical if you want to control your anxiety levels. 

While the experts are trying to come up with ways to deal with this pandemic, we need to take care of ourselves, physically and mentally. Be mindful and follow protocol to deal with the psychological effects of COVID-19. You will feel better in the long run.


Can Green Tea Help Weight Loss?

The quest to lose weight is an exhausting task that can go on for days on end. Obese people try everything in their power to burn layers of fat on as quickly as possible, but alas! It’s a time-consuming process. As easy as it is to gain weight, shedding it can be quite a piece of work. And during the trying times when a person is working hard towards their body goals, they always try to find potions to weasel their way into the land of slenderness. And much to the chagrin of trainers and dieticians, the internet serves multiple untested shortcuts to weight loss. Out of all those unreliable schemes, the one that stands out the most is green tea. With that said, green tea might not be as unreliable as the other dubious shortcuts that obese people are bombarded with.

Green tea is famous for helping with cardiac conditions and also known for weight loss, and even experts are in favor of using the green elixir to accelerate weight loss. But what is the science behind the apparent benefits of green tea? Is it helpful, or is it just a hoax that tea manufacturers use to sell their products? Let’s find out.

Caffeine in Green Tea

Even though the caffeine content in green isn’t as high as coffee, that is enough to stimulate fat-burning in the body.

Caffeine is a well-known stimulant that has proven to aid weight loss in the body. It is due to the fat-burning properties of caffeine that experts advise obese people to consume black coffee when trying to lose weight.

Green tea contains active compounds such as EGCG, those along with caffeine are supposed to help people in their quest to get in shape and lose unhealthy pounds in their body combined with other weight loss techniques.

EGCG in Green Tea

Green tea is high in EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), which is believed to promote and aid fat breakdown. Accumulated fat needs to break down into fat cells that are later used as energy packets to carry out essential bodily functions.   

Fat breakdown in the body is brought about when fat-burning hormones such as norepinephrine (noradrenaline) disintegrate long fatty chains and reduce them into cells that are released into the blood. EGCG in green tea boosts the effects of fat-burning hormones that accelerate the entire process of fat breakdown.

EGCG released from consuming green tea inhibits enzymes that promote the activity carried by these hormones. Ultimately, the broken down fat is released into the bloodstream as used by different organs and cells in the body.

Green Tea Helps Fat Burning During Workouts

Woman doing yoga

If you have ever tried a fat-burning supplement, then you must have seen green tea extracts on its label. That is because green tea is charged with active compounds that help fat burning, especially during exercise.

According to a study, men who consumed the tea extracts combined with regular exercise burned 17% more body fat than men who didn’t drink green tea extracts. A bunch of other studies also indicate that active compounds in green tea stimulate fat burning when taken with exercise.

Green Tea Boosts Metabolism

A person’s body is constantly using up calories even when there is no physically strenuous activity. Our body is conducting multiple processes at all times, which require energy and that can be acquired from calories.  

Many studies suggest that chemical compounds in green tea train the body into getting the needed energy for bodily processes from excess calories. EGCG in green tea helps burn calories even when your body is at rest.

Studies show that green tea supplements can increase the burning percentage by 3-4% and, in some cases, by 8%. However, more research is required to make a definitive claim regarding the ability of green tea to burn these calories even when the body is at rest.

Green Tea Curbs Appetite

Green tea helps weight loss by reducing a person’s appetite. That is, after consuming it, people don’t eat as much as they did before. Hence, they consume fewer calories overall, which can help widen the calorie deficit and lead to weight loss.

Weight loss is typically achieved by creating a calorie deficit in the body. A person trying to lose weight brings down their daily intake of calories or burn more calories in order to create a calorie shortfall. By creating a deficit, the body uses up stored fat in the body to meet its energy requirements, which brings down body fat and reduces weight.

When a person drinks green tea, they eat less than they used to before including green tea in their diet. And as a result, they consume fewer calories, which forces the body to use unwanted fat to get energy for various processes.

In a nutshell, green tea increases calorie expenditure in the body.

Green Tea Helps a Person Lose Belly Fat

Most people who are prompted to lose weight are irked by the muffin top protruding below the torso. And sadly, belly fat is the hardest form of fat to burn away with diet and exercise. However, green tea can help a person get rid of that paunch that they dislike so much.

There are two kinds of fat in the body. One is subcutaneous fat, and the other is visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is the form of fat that is stored underneath the skin, while visceral fat is the fat that’s accumulated around the belly area.

While green tea may or may not be immensely useful in reducing excess pounds from the body, it does seem to be plenty helpful in burning body fat, especially visceral fat. Visceral fat doesn’t only damage the shape of one’s body, but it also increases the risk of diabetes and other such diseases by creating insulin resistance. It also increases the chances of inflammation in the body.

Having green tea regularly can save the body from developing harmful conditions by breaking down belly fat.

The Takeaway

Even though green tea shows immense promise with regard to weight loss in people, it cannot magically make you lean in a fraction of time. You need to take additional measures such as cutting down on carbs and increasing your protein intake to lose weight quicker.




Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

The coronavirus (AKA COVID-19) is having a marked impact on our daily lives in every part of the world. From businesses to shopping to transportation, we are finding that we have to adjust our lifestyles virtually every day.

We will be doing our best to keep you updated with the latest methods for prevention, areas of infection and worldwide news as it comes available.

As of March 26, 2020, there are 491,623 confirmed cases, 119,978 recovered, 22,184 deaths.

Please stay tuned to the rapid changing of events as we move forward.

Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University

Coronavirus has now killed more than 1,000 people in the US

Start with our introduction to the coronavirus and stay tuned as we delve more into this worldwide medical dilemma.

Benefits of Red Ginseng Tea from Korea

Photo of Red Ginseng Tea from Korea

“Care for a spot of tea?” – A standard saying among Britians and they have the right idea! Tea is an integral part of many cultures and while in some cultures, tea is only a part of breakfast, in others, it’s a favored beverage taken before and after meals.

But in Korean culture, as well as in some other countries, tea is considered a cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle. Korean teas are starting to attain some level of popularity owing to their connection with the ageless beauty of their celebrities. And that beauty is, more often than not, linked with the consumption of Korean teas. Aside from the apparent benefits, Korean ginseng offers plenty of internal benefits that improve the body’s immunity and functioning.  

South Korea has a wide range of teas, but the most famous of them is Ginseng tea. Korean Ginseng belongs to the family of Araliaceae and is an herbal supplement extracted from the roots of the plant. It has several other names such as wild ginseng, Panax ginseng, mountain ginseng, true ginseng, and Asian ginseng. 

Korean Ginseng Tea

Korean ginseng tea comes in two forms, red Korean ginseng and the standard Korean variety (which is white). Both varieties of Korean ginseng tea have different compositions and offer different sets of health benefits. 

Korean ginseng is credited for providing nourishment to the body and mind of a person. People, especially Koreans, love to consume ginseng tea to improve their overall health as one of the best ways of convalescing naturally.


The name originates from a perennial plant, which lives for more than two years and grows in Eastern Asia. The plant is most commonly grown in those parts of East Asian countries that receive abundant rainfall. In Korea, China, and Russia, ginseng plants grow in shaded mountainsides.

These plants can grow up to two feet tall with dark leaves and red berry chomps. It has a sweet flavor because of the berries that are followed by a bitter aftertaste.

The plant has been an integral part of Traditional Chinese medicine. It is used to help patients recuperate from multiple maladies, even today. However, previously, ginseng was widely used to treat fatigue and weakness.

Panax ginseng, a common name for Korean ginseng, comes from Greek words that loosely translate to all-healing. And ginseng means man-root. Hence, the literal English translation of Panax ginseng is all healing man-root.

Following are the benefits of the all-healing Korean Ginseng Tea

Improves Skin Health

Ginseng tea is exceptional at slowing down the aging process of the skin. It keeps the skin plump and hydrated by increasing hyaluronic acid generation in the skin. It also significantly reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the skin.

The best trait is that it protects the skin from harmful UV radiation.  

Helps Manage Stress

Girl Being BulliedAccording to the experts at the University of Maryland Medical Center, ginseng is an adaptogen. Adaptogens are herbal substances that help stabilize the physiological processes that take place inside the body and promote homeostasis.

It helps release stress from the body and increases the overall well-being of a person. It also boosts the production of anti-stress hormones such as corticotropin. The increased supply of such hormones helps the body cope with stress and keep it at minimal levels.

Reduces Inflammation in the Body

Ginseng has beneficial antioxidant properties that make it a great remedy for inflammation. According to some test-tube studies, this manroot has excellent anti-inflammatory properties that inhibit swelling or redness and increase the antioxidant capacity of skin cells.

For athletes, tea has proven to be a promising solution for tackling oxidative stress in muscles. Due to its extraordinary antioxidant properties, it evens out the imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants, which prevents chain reactions from occurring in the body.

Prevents Flu and Cold

Woman sneezing with tissueFlu is a common ailment that people face during seasonal changes and with the ongoing coronavirus dangers, it is even more of a concern. Colds and the flu can bring a lot of discomfort and distress to the person suffering from it. It might not be a cure-all, but Ginseng is known to be an excellent natural alternative for these ailments. Note: Consult a doctor before stopping any medication.

The healthy traits of ginseng boost the production of leukocytes, white blood cells that prevent viruses and bacteria from entering the bloodstream. As a result, the body helps stay on guard against the flu. Furthermore, ginseng promotes the production of antibodies that fight against viruses and keep the body healthy. 

Relieves Insomnia 

Improper absorption of micronutrients can lead to disturbed sleep at night, which can disrupt a person’s mood and overall well-being the next day. Ginseng made from the Korean plant facilitates the endocrine glands that help in the absorption of minerals and vitamins. As a result, the person can have a better night’s sleep and wake up fresh the next day.

Prevents Erectile Dysfunction

Clinical research supports the claim that links consumption of ginseng with improved genital function in men. According to a study, the compounds in Korean ginseng reduce oxidative stress in the male genitalia which can restore healthy sexual function.

One study showed improvement in 60% of the participants with erectile dysfunction. In another study, 86 men had significant improvement in their erectile function.

Even though there is substantial data available to support the purported claims of ginseng preventing and treating ED, still more studies are needed to establish concrete facts.

Boosts Energy

Fit Brunette Woman Running on Treadmill with MusicEven though people are increasingly indulging more and more in regular workout regimens, there is still a significant number of people who live a sedentary life, which makes them susceptible to multiple health problems. Furthermore, the lack of activity in the lives of such people makes them weak and lethargic. Drinking ginseng tea can help those who lack energy in their lives.

Regular intake of Korean ginseng boosts the energy levels in the body, which works well for a person’s mental and physical well-being.

Helps Improve Brain Function

Neurons in the Brain
Neurons in the Brain

Ginseng is believed to help improve brain function in humans. The three most important cognitive functions are that they promise to improve our memory, mood, and behavior.

Some studies even suggest that ginseng can protect the brain from getting damaged in the presence of free radicals. However, more research is required to come up with definite conclusions.

Korean ginseng has many properties that provide multiple benefits to the human body internally and externally. One thing must be noted Korean tea is different from other ginseng teas from China, Siberia, and America.

So with all these health benefits, why not care for a nice spot of ginseng tea?